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Inclusion and Diversity

Our ambition is to create a thriving, diverse and growing squash community that is inclusive for everyone regardless of their background.

Over recent years, we have made progress in improving diversity within squash through campaigns such as Squash Girls Can, which has engaged over 6,000 females in squash activities, and Squash Girls Can Coach, which has driven a rise in the percentage of female coaches from 20% to over 30%. We are also invested into new programmes including Mixed Ability Squash and Squash from the Mosque, helping clubs to become more reflective of their local communities.

We’ve also shared the personal stories of people from a range of backgrounds, and joined campaigns such as LGBT+ History Month, Pride Week and Black History Month.

We know there is still work to do to ensure the make up of the squash community better reflects the society in which we live and we are committed to working together with the squash community to make a difference.

How will we do this?

  • Through investing more into Mixed Ability Squash and Squash from the Mosque to help clubs start their delivery and journey to becoming more diverse.
  • Through gathering insight to better understand how we can help squash appeal to and reach, a wider, more diverse audience.
  • Through working with our Inclusion Advisory group to ensure our work is inclusive and to utilise their experiences and knowledge.
  • Through trying new ideas and working with new partners to reach new audiences.
  • Through expanding our own knowledge on the topic through training webinars and listening to those with lived experiences.
  • Through providing education and training to support clubs, coaches and volunteers to better understand how they can help squash become even more inclusive.

View England Squash's Equality Policy (PDF)

How you can help?

Help to shape our work around inclusion and diversity by:

  • Sharing your story, experiences and ideas, and getting involved in our working group. Click here to submit your experiences which will help our understanding of diversity and inclusion within our sport.
  • Help us to understand where we are now. We’ve recently added a function to our data collection to better understand our demographics as a sport. You can help by updating your player profile.
  • Link your club/venue up with local community groups such as faith centres, community groups, disability charities.
  • Speak with and involve people from different backgrounds in your decision-making to ensure you have a balanced view.
  • Get involved in campaigns such as Women's Squash Week on social media.
  • Ensure images and videos on your web and social media channels show people from a diverse range of backgrounds.

Share your story

Get Inspired

Looking for inspiration? View some of our case studies and stories that promote inclusion and diversity:

How to become a more LGBTQ+ friendly squash club

Martin Cooper from Northern Rebound - one of Manchester's most recognisable LGBT+ sports groups shares his top tips for creating an inclusive, safe space for the LGBTQ+ community

Mixed Ability Squash | Bowdon Squash Club and The Pavilion Project

Bowden Squash Club have hosted Mixed Ability session at their club for members of the Pavilion Project. Hear how playing squash has helped the participants grow in confidence.

Adrian Grant reflects on his inspirational career as part of Black History Month

From humble beginnings in the game including sleeping in his dad’s car at tournaments, to becoming a Commonwealth Gold medallist and a member of England’s Golden Generation, Adrian Grant’s career journey is as inspirational as they come.

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Amy and Lexie

Meet sisters Amy and Lexie who love getting on court together, having fun whilst exercising. Squash is one of the few sports that the girls get to do together. For Amy, who has Down's Syndrome, it's an opportunity to have a run around and get fit. Lexie loves the social side and has made new friends. Squash also brings out her competitive side!

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Squash Girls Can stories

Meet the women and girls who front our latest Squash Girls Can campaign. Hear how they got involved in squash, what keeps them playing and what they love about it!

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