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Women's Squash Week 2024

Find event ideas, promotional video and graphics and more to stage a successful event to attract more women at your club/venue.

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Women's Squash Week (16th-22nd September) is an international campaign that aims to celebrate and raise the profile of female squash. This year's campaign is all about Rallying Together to create a fun, safe, and welcoming environment where women and girls can thrive and everyone feels like they belong.

Why Rally Together?

While a lot of progress has been made for women and girls in sport, bias still exists, making it difficult for female players and coaches to succeed. In order to drive change, we need male allies to be part of the conversation too, who consider women's lived experiences and respect that it's not just a woman's responsibility to change the environment that creates barriers.

So what can you do as a club?

  • Stage a female-only session during Women's Squash Week to help encourage more women and girls to play again or try squash for the first time.
  • Give a female coach the opportunity to design and run this session.
  • If you don't already, share more stories and imagery of female players at your club across your social media channels - this will help empower women and girls to join your taster session.
  • Educate yourself on the issues your target audience face when it comes to participating in sport. Here is a great blog to get you started, and we have some more resources on our Rally Together page and in the 'Know Your Target Audience' section below.

Stage an Event

Simply host a female-only, group, social event(s) at your club during Women's Squash Week (16th-22nd September 2024). Remember to think about different audiences and what female players might want from these events. Some events might be designed to gently ease women back into squash or Squash 57, some could be fun social competitions, family events and you could even stage beginner-friendly events.

What else can clubs do during Women's Squash Week?

  • Encourage coaches and staff to educate themselves by attending a webinar to understand the steps you can take to make your club/venue more inclusive for women and girls.
  • Share content on your social media pages of women and girls and the opportunities they have at your club.
  • Speak to your female membership to find out how your club/venue can enhance the culture, environment and activities.
  • Encourage all club members to invite a female friend or relative along to a session or to have a game.
  • Review your club structure, are there many women in decision making roles? By having a more diverse committee it will help you to see different perspectives when making decisions.

Know your target audience

The key to successful events and engaging female players is to understand what they are looking for and offer the right type of activity for them.

Midlife and menopause

A Women In Sport report show's that women overwhelmingly want to be more active during this life stage, but often face barrier in doing so.

Follow their five principles to inspire women to be active in midlife:

  • Endless Possibilities – Expand perceptions and opportunities for being active.
  • Judgement-Free Zone – Welcoming and supportive environment.
  • Support Network – Offer built-in social support.
  • Expand the Image of What Sporty Means – Inspiring, relatable role models.
  • Make It Relevant – Reference specific, relevant benefits.

Find out more

Teenage girls

There's a drop of activity levels as girls reach teenage years and a change in their attitudes towards sport and physical activity. Only 10% of girls (age 13 – 16) meet the recommended 60 mins of activity a day. Women In Sport have a range of resources to support you to engage teenage girls in sport and physical activity.

Following the '8 principles for successes' from Women in Sport can help you plan your activities:

  • No judgement
  • Invoke excitement
  • Clear emotional reward
  • Open eyes to what's there
  • Build into existing habits
  • Give girls a voice & choice
  • Champion what's in it for them
  • Expand image of what 'sporty' looks like

Read more

Promote your Women's Squash Week events

Squash Girls Can new promo video

Download in widescreen or square:

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Download high quality images to promote your activities across your website and social media - simply click on the images below:

Social media graphics

Download social media graphics to promote your activities:

Download for: Instagram | Twitter/Facebook

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Venue poster

Download our A4 poster to put up at your club/venue: