Schools Squash
Introducing young people to squash is a great way to grow your junior programmes. This section has case studies and guidance for how you can start up and develop schools squash.
Junior 101
Junior 101 is our participation programme packed full of fun activities designed to engage and develop children as young as five. It can be delivered in school, club or community settings.
Coaches and leaders can create and deliver tailored sessions to groups, whatever their ability using our downloadable ‘pick and mix’ activity cards.
How to guides
Top tips for engaging schools
What are the secrets to engaging schools and delivering a successful outreach programme? Some of the most successful schools coaches in England including Walthamstow’s Vicky Te Velde, Newcastle’s Richard Vitty and Northants’ Mike Broadbent reveal their tips.
You can train coaches, school staff and young people who can deliver squash to young people in a school, club or community setting. Contact to organise a course in your area.
Young Leaders Award
A six-hour course for those aged 14 - 18 who wish to deliver to groups of young people aged under-16 or assist qualified squash coaches or teachers in a university, school or club environment.
School Squash Leaders Award
A three-hour workshop aimed at teachers, or level 2 coaches (in any sport) who want to deliver school to children and young people aged 5 and upwards. The course includes our flagship junior programme, Junior 101.
Case studies
Hear from other clubs and coaches how they have developed successful schools programmes.
Inside Walthamstow
In just two years, Walthamstow Squash Club has introduced more than 1,500 school kids to squash. In this enlightening interview, Vicky Te Velde, head squash coach at the club reveals how they engaged the local schools, introduced an academy to retain the pupils, and used initiatives including Junior 101 to makes sessions fun and engaging.

Schools success in Northamptonshire
Find out how Northamptonshire squash approached attracting new junior players through hosting festivals.
School-club links in Newcastle
The schools outreach programme at Northern Squash Club has showcased squash to more than 5,000 local children with the club boasting almost 200 junior players.
Squash 57 with Talbot Specialist School
Find out more about the fantastic partnership between Hallamshire Squash Club and Talbot Specialist School.