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Promote your club

Do people in your local area know anything about your club? Without regularly promoting the activities you have on offer, you may miss out on bringing new people through the door. Here's some ways you can shout about your club to recruit and retain members.

Building your club’s brand

Branding is all about creating a strong, positive perception of your club/venue. Having elements such as a logo and brand colours that you can weave throughout your marketing and communications will help people remember you, and build trust amongst new communities. Find out more about building your brand.

Social media

Social media is a fantastic, cost-effective way of promoting your club/venue to different audiences in your area. Find out more about which social media channel is best for your club and how to run your page effectively here.

Campaign calendar

Campaigns are a great way to make some noise and raise the profile of your club/venue. The campaign calendar shows you which campaigns we're planning to get involved in, and highlights others that you might want to support. View our campaigns calendar here.

Engaging your community - Colleges and Universities


The local college provides a great opportunity to attract prospective members. This could be a usage agreement whereby the college offers squash activity on a weekly basis for a set fee or the club delivers a variety of provision for the college students (open days, beginner sessions, curriculum activities).


University squash is typically delivered onsite or at the club. Delivery varies across the country with some clubs offering a university use of the venue under a hire agreement. This is a great way to integrate students into the club environment and also promote your club locally.

Engaging your community - Local businesses

Business leagues

Business leagues offer a great incentive to form a partnership with local companies that are within reach of the club. The majority of clubs that use this provision have utilised this off-peak (e.g lunch time) which has enabled them to put an attractive package together for companies. We've put together the following information sheet that you can present to local businesses to highlight the benefits of squash and encourage them to get through your doors.

Workplace challenge events

A workplace challenge event enables your club to run events for local businesses in your area and is a great opportunity to market your club for free.

Case study: Nottingham boost participation and interest in squash by engaging local businesses

Nick Hargreaves, General Manager at Nottingham Squash and Rackets Club reveals how the club attracted new members by engaging the local business community in a squash tournament. Full story.

Engaging your community - Open events

When trying a new sport, it can be difficult to go along to a club alone and check out their facilities. Free taster sessions are a fantastic way to showcase your club to the local community - and because it's in a group setting at no cost, individuals may feel more confident to join in on the fun. If you have a free time slot in the week, why not open your doors to potential new members by hosting an open day a couple of times a year?

Tips on how to make your taster session a success

Local partners

Local businesses offer the perfect opportunity to promote your club. You could reach out to a company and tell them about an upcoming open day, or go for a more direct partnership such as a sponsorship deal or a corporate membership that comes as a benefit to their staff.

External websites

Websites such as BBC Get Inspired can help promote your events and reach potentially thousands of people for free. You need to sign up to become a partner first. There's also the Squash Finder on which lists all the clubs in the country.

With hundreds of clubs listed, ensure your club has an effective description and advertises your club well. To update your club's description, get in touch with your club administrator who will have the relevant permissions or contact us directly if you're not sure who that is, reach out to us at

County Sport Partnership

Your local county association can help promote your club or any activities you have planned and provide appropriate support for your club.

Local authority

Local Authorities vary across the country, but a significant number have sport development teams that can assist you by promoting your activity or upcoming events within your local area.

Active Partnerships

There are 43 Active Partnerships across England who work collaboratively with local partners to create the conditions for an active nation, using the power of sport and physical activity to transform lives. For requests related to sport and physical activity, they have a contact who can help you throughout the whole of England.

Find your local active partnership here.

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